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Accepted Papers

Federico Piovesan. Beyond Standards and Regulations: Obstacles to Local Open Government Data Initiatives in Italy and France
Silvana Fumega. Rethinking Civil Society Organisations Working in FOI and OGD Fields
Nicole Anand and Panthea Lee. How Civil Society Can Use Data to Influence Government Decision-Making
Fabrizio Scrollini. Open your data and… will ‘they’ build it? : A case of open data coproduction in health service delivery
Jamie Fawcett. Examining open data as a source of competitive advantage for big businesses
Glenn Vancauwenberghe and Bastiaan Van Loenen. Governance and performance of open spatial data policies in Europe – What can we learn from the INSPIRE Reporting Process?
Peter Wells. Researching the economics of data to help governments make better decisions
Alan Ponce, Luis-Daniel Ibañez and Elena Simperl. Measuring risks and challenges in using open data
Michael Canares. Smart Cities Need to Be Open: The Case of Jakarta, Indonesia
Francesca De Chiara. Mapping the reusers of open data in Italy. The findings of Open Data 200 Italy study
Dinita Andriani Putri and Maharani Karlina Ch. The dynamics of smart city and open data in urban governance - Lessons from Jakarta Smart City Initiative
Juan Pane, et al. Enabling dengue outbreak predictions based on open data
Feng Gao. Investigation of Open Data Ecosystem in China: A Timeline Analysis of Shanghai Open Data Initiative
Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid and Marco Torchiano. A systematic literature review of open data quality in practice
Viarda Lobos, et al. Proposal of a unified BPM model for open data publication
Patrick Enaholo. Beyond Advocacy: Examining the Role of Intermediaries in Nigeria’s Open Data Ecosystem
Ilham Cendekia Srimarga, et al. Implementation of Data Revolution at Sub-National Level in Indonesia: Impacts, Potential Impacts, and Adoption
Omenogo Veronica Mejabi and Johanna Walker. Towards a Model of Sustainability for Open Data Motivated Start-ups
Arthur Glenn Maail. Relational Impact of Open Data Intermediation: Experience From Indonesia and the Philippines
Mireille van Eechoud and Lucie Guibault. International copyright reform in support of open legal information (working title)
Ivan Candido Da Silva de Franco and Natalia Langenegger. Transparency and open data in the Brazilian Judiciary: a case study on the São Paulo ́s Court of Justice
Tanya Sethi. Getting to Use: What Developing Countries Have to Say About Closing the Gap Between Supply and Demand for (Open) Data?
Patrick Bergemann and Sheena Iyengar. The Economic Impact of Open Data
Indianna Minto-Coy, et al. Towards Greater Citizen Engagement and Transparency Through Open Budgeting in Jamaica
Indianna Minto-Coy. From ICT4D to OD4D: Emperical and theoretical link between public administration and open data
Maurice McNaughton, et al. Open Data as a Catalyst for Problem Solving: Empirical Evidence from a Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Context
Felipe Gonzalez-Zapata and Richard Heeks. The challenges of institutionalising open government data (OGD): a historical perspective from the Chile’s OGD initiative and digital government institutions
Melkamu Beyene, Pierre-Edouard Portier, Solomon Atnafu and Sylvie Calebretto. Cross Lingual Access to Government Datasets: A Linking Based Approach
Bernadette Farias Loscio, Caroline Burle S. Guimarães and Newton Calegari. Data on the Web Best Practices: Challenges and Benefits
Umaru Bah and Jeanne Holm. Open Data for Diaspora Databases in Developed Countries: The Case of Sierra Leoneans in the United States
Joel Gurin, Katherine Garcia & Matthew Rumsey. Protecting Privacy While Releasing Data: Strategies to Maximize Benefits & Mitigate Risks
Erwin Alampay. Harnessing open data for fiscal transparency in local governments in the Philippines
Santosh Kesavan, Isana Nambiar and Subrat Rout. VectorTrak: An Open Data Platform for Real-time Surveillance, Visualization and Prediction of Vector-borne Diseases in India

The first Open Data Research Symposium was held as a precursor to the International Open Data Conference in Ottawa on May 27, 2015. Over 60 abstracts were submitted and 31 papers were delivered, of which seven have been accepted for publication in a special issue of the peer-reviewed, open access Journal of Community Informatics.